Let the hunt begin!

The Robot Hunters

Stationslaan 17
9503 CA Stadskanaal
0599 63 11 22

Artikel archief


22-11-2014 00:00
This year we would pass to the regional finale anyway, since we payed our own registration fee. The regional finale was fun of course since we won and went back home with a big trophy and got to continue to the Beneluxfinal. Our robot ended up in second place and we became first in the core values...


14-11-2014 00:00
De schoolfinale was voor ons eigenlijk een oefenwedstrijd, omdat wij al naar de regiofinale gingen aangezien wij ons eigen inschrijfgeld hadden betaald. Met de robot waren we ook nog niet zo snel, maar het was wel handig om even het gevoel te krijgen om in der ring te staan met al die spanning en...


14-11-2014 00:00
The local finale was pretty much a practice round for us, because we automatically passed to the Regional finale, since we paid our own registration fee. With the robot we were pretty bad at the time, but it was a very good feeling to stand in the arena and get a taste of the tension and sensation....
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